8:30 – After Wednesday’s announcement from Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, Evan revisits the announcement to give his take on our province’s response to the tariffs being imposed on Canada by the United States. Then, Evan takes the Pulse of the People and asks if you think Saskatchewan is responding strongly enough?
Listener Question: Is this response from Saskatchewan enough to Trump’s tariffs?
9:00 – Open phones – Evan goes to the phones to chat with listeners about what’s on their minds today. Call 1-877-332-8255.
9:45 – After Tuesday’s major arbitration decision was announced in the teacher’s contract for educators in the province, Evan welcomes Everett Hindley, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Education, to the show to hear the province’s response.
LQ: Did the arbitrators make the right decision?
10:00 – Hunting season will be upon Saskatchewan soon and starting tomorrow, the Wildlife Federation’s Sport and Leisure Show gets underway in Saskatoon. Evan welcomes Murray Cowan, Saskatchewan Chief Firearms Officer and Robert Freberg, Saskatchewan Firearms Commissioner and former Chief Firearms Officer for Saskatchewan, to talk guns and take your calls and questions.
LQ: Call in with your questions for our firearms experts! Call or text 1-877-332-8255!
11:00 – Should you defer your CPP and OAS as long as you can? When might it make sense to take that money earlier? Darren Ulmer, financial planner with Sun Life and the President of White Owl Financial Solutions, joins the show to talk pensions and other financial advice trends he’s seeing come across his desk.
LQ: Can you afford to choose to leave your CPP payments later?
11:30 – A Canadian hockey legend is part of an event coming up later this month being hosted by the Saskatoon Tribal Council and the Awāsisak Ka-Sīhtoskāhcihk Sask Child Advocacy Centre. Sheldon Kennedy, Canadian former ice hockey player and advocate for child abuse prevention and Rauncie Murdoch, Awāsisak Ka-Sīhtoskāhcihk Sask Child Advocacy Centre board chair, join Evan to talk more about the “Children to be Supported” event.
12:00 – American liquor will soon be off the shelves in Saskatchewan, following in Manitoba and Ontario’s footsteps to take our own provincial stand against the tariffs levied against Canada by U.S. President Donald Trump. How are tariffs affecting our local businesses? Keith Moen, executive director of the North Saskatoon Business Association (NSBA), joins Evan to discuss the challenges Saskatchewan communities may soon face.
LQ: Shout out your favourite Canada- or Saskatchewan-brewed drink of choice to share some liquid courage for our local brewers and distillers!