Simone Kuckartz has been bowling for as long as she can remember.
Even during the pandemic, Kuckartz would prefer to be out knocking down some pins enjoying company, rather than miss out on all the fun.
“I love it. I’m not scared of anything so I come,” Kuckartz said with a big smile.
The 99-year-old bowler plays in a weekly league at Hunter’s Eastview Bowl in Saskatoon.
She’s very eager about the sport and wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Kuckartz shared some stories from her glory days when she was in her prime days as a bowler.
“When we were south of Lafleche, we used to bring up a team and go through Gravelbourg and bowl just for practices.”
“Then when we moved to Lafleche, we bowled seniors. I had some good (players) on my team, because we were always champs,” Kuckartz said.
Helen Kulak is one of Kuckartz’s 13 children and says the one thing she’s taught her mainly is to live a dynamic lifestyle.
“To continue to be active,” Kulak said. “She’s been a hard worker for many, many years.”
Kulak said the Saskatoon community has really embraced her joyful spirit and are always wanting to give back in any way they can.
“They buy her presents and (host) parties for her. It’s just amazing.”
Kuckarts plans on bowling as much as she can with the people she loves going forward.