The Saskatoon Fire Department opened its doors to the media to explain how its newest firefighting tool works.
The fire suppression aerosol grenade was used for the first time on Sunday, but it wasn’t until Thursday that the fire department got to give more information on this innovative piece of technology.
“There are always technological advancements, it’s a new type of fire extinguisher,” said Wayne Rodger, assistant chief of the Saskatoon Fire department. “When deployed it will give us additional time to evaluate the fire growth. Unlike a standard fire extinguisher, this one is on a time delay.”
The eight-second time delay allows fire crews to distance themselves from the blaze.
According to Rodger, this 12-pound device is just the latest technological tool available in the department’s arsenal.
“It adds to the tools in the toolbox that we can use in certain situations,” Rodger said.
Despite how efficient this extinguisher is, it is not something that can be used on every fire, nor is it something meant to extinguish a fire completely.
“It has a one-time use. It costs about $900,” he said.
Rodger stressed that this tool can only be used in certain circumstances.
“This isn’t designed to put out the fire. We still need to get our staff inside,” Rodger said. “It suffocates the blaze so that firefighters can find the root of the blaze and suppress it.”
If the fire is too big, the device won’t operate as it should. Rodger added that this device is meant to be used before a fire’s temperatures get very dangerous, allowing the blaze to be controlled before it gets out of hand.
“It makes it safer for us to go in, providing the conditions are right,” he said.
“In the right circumstances, it can be very useful.”