Gormley, Thursday, January 23, 2020
8:30 – Unifor has been found in contempt of a court injunction issued in connection with the labour dispute at the Co-op refinery. A Court of Queen’s Bench judgment issued Wednesday said the union “intentionally and deliberately disobeyed the order.” On Dec. 18, Justice Janet McMurtry issued a temporary order that limited the amount of time picketers could hold up truckers at the refinery. Federated Co-operatives Limited then went to court claiming the union had violated the order. After ruling the union was in contempt, the justice fined Unifor $100,000. The union has been blockading the refinery since Monday. That action followed blockades around Co-op cardlocks and stores in Regina and Weyburn. CJME reporter Adriana Christianson was at a rally held by Unifor Wednesday and has been following this showdown between the Co-op and Unifor. Adriana joins Gormley now to talk about the latest in the Co-op refinery labour dispute.
LIVE: Adriana Christianson, CJME reporter.
9:00 – Bug’s Day… The Hour of Rage!
This morning we start off Bug’s Day with Josh’s story. Josh was biking to work in Saskatoon on Ontario Avenue Monday morning. Due to all the snow where he was supposed to be riding (the road), Josh took the sidewalk. A bylaw officer saw this and gave Josh a ticket. He was so angry he ripped the ticket up right there! According to Saskatoon and Regina bylaws, cyclist cannot ride on sidewalks – but should there be some forgiveness when the city has not yet cleared roads of snow?
LIVE: Josh, angry cyclist.
10:00 – Jamie Boulachanis, a murderer who recently became a woman in the definition under Canadian law, is demanding to be transferred to a penitentiary for women. On Monday Boulachanis filed an application for habeas corpus — a legal recourse that allows a person to challenge the legality of their incarceration. Her argument is that she is receiving ‘humiliating” treatment in the men’s prison; showering in front of men, not having access to a bathroom with a door or needing to use a toilet without a seat, being strip-searched by male officers and routinely sexually harassed as the only woman in a men’s prison. Paul Cherry, a journalist with the Montreal Gazette has been following this and joins Gormley now to talk about the Boulachanis case.
LIVE: Paul Cherry, journalist with the Montreal Gazette.
11:00 – Health authorities are closely watching an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a new virus that originated in China. Governments are stepping up surveillance of airline passengers from central China and taking other steps to try to control the outbreak. Scientists have identified it as a new coronavirus. The name comes from the Latin word for crowns or halos, which coronaviruses resemble under a microscope. The coronavirus family has many types that affect people. Some cause the common cold while others originating in bats, camels and other animals have evolved into more severe illnesses such as SARS — severe acute respiratory syndrome — or MERS — Middle East respiratory syndrome. Dr. Saqib Shahab, Saskatchewan Chief Medical Officer of Health joins Gormley now to discuss Coronavirus; what it is, how it is spread and who is at risk.
LIVE: Dr. Saqib Shahab, Saskatchewan Chief Medical Officer of Health.
12:00 – The first event of Heritage Regina’s 2020 Winter Lecture Series is titled BOOM, BUST AND BULLETS: THE HISTORY OF THE GM PLANT IN REGINA. Dale Johnson will be presenting the first of four lectures on Thursday January 30, 2020 at the Artesian on 13th. Dale joins Gormley now to talk about the lecture.
LIVE: Dale Johnson, automotive journalist and author.