Imagine a Canada with little to no fossil fuels.
The federal government is planning to spend $300,000 on a study to see if electric technology can replace them.
It would mean no more propane, fuel oil, diesel, petrol, natural gas and coal. The only thing fossil fuels would be used for would be to generate electrical energy and for planes.
Saskatchewan’s Energy and Resources Minister Bronwyn Eyre said it’s clear the Liberals are hostile towards the energy sector.
“This document isn’t about how to get resources, how to get oil to market,” said Eyre. “It’s actually about how to shut the industry down. It’s just couched in very bureaucratic euphemism .”
Eyre said we shouldn’t be surprised at the hostility and the double standard when it comes to the energy sector and energy jobs versus SNC Lavalin jobs.
The Quebec based engineering firm is at the centre of a controversy that rocked the Liberal Party earlier this year.
“What is the human cost of that (ending fossil fuel reliance) in terms of jobs, they’re not exploring that in the document,” she said.