8:30 – Justin Trudeau is visiting Regina today. While he might not get a warm welcome, recent polling shows he’s still on track to stay in office past 2019. Trudeau won’t come on our show for an interview himself, so we’re putting the question to you instead during one of Gormley’s patented Reality Checks.
REALITY CHECK: Will the Liberals stay in power after the 2019 election?
9:00 – Bug’s Day: The HOUR OF RAGE!
10:00 – A study last month by the Pew Research Centre found Americans are turning to social media for their news rather than traditional newspapers, and the Edelman Trust Barometer showed the media is the least-trusted institution around the globe. So we want to know – who do you trust to provide your news? Are there certain news sources you automatically distrust or take with a grain of salt? Are there any organizations you trust completely? Call in and let us know.
11:00 – The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has come out in favour of a national carbon tax, albeit with a number of caveats. According to the Canadian Chamber, carbon taxation “is the only cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions in Canada”. Jackie Wall with the Estevan Chamber of Commerce rebutted their claims earlier this month, saying that statement is “in direct conflict with the work Saskatchewan chambers have been doing.” Wall joins Gormley now to talk about the impact the carbon tax could have on the local economy.
LIVE: Jackie Wall, executive director of the Estevan Chamber of Commerce.
12:00 – Regina-born Canadian-Greek filmmaker Pan Yannitsos has recently finished his latest project, a documentary on the Greek economic crisis called “Freedom Besieged.” The film, which will be screened in Regina Jan. 31 a the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. The film features commentary from commentators such as Noam Chomsky, Jordan Peterson, Michael Dukakis, and Gabor Mate. Yannitsos joins Gormley now to discuss the project.
LIVE: Pan Yannitsos, Regina-born filmmaker. Director and exec. Producer of “FREEDOM BESIEGED”