It’s getting tougher to find journalism without agenda. That’s an obvious statement when it comes to news outlets in the United States.
The days of the informative news cast at the top of the hour on an American cable news network are gone. It’s to the point I don’t watch any more.
Sadly there are some parallels between that and coverage of the Canadian Football League from certain media outlets in the largest market in this country. (Toronto)
News that television ratings for the 2108 Grey Cup were down gives fresh material to those who push the CFL’s shortcomings. You’ll notice those that make TV ratings a top story have also taken the lead on the icy field in Edmonton and ownership issues in Montreal.
Somehow positive news about the push for a franchise in Halifax, or CFL commissioner Randy Ambrosie’s efforts to bolster Canadian talent, don’t get the same play.
It’s great to be in Saskatchewan, where the media’s inferiority complex hasn’t taken hold, and the default button doesn’t turn to the negative.