“Back when happiness was not looked for, because it was all I knew,” a family member of the author — a domestic homicide victim — submitted the poem titled Innocence in the Domestic Violence Death Review.
On Thursday, the Government of Saskatchewan released the 2024 Domestic Violence Death Review Report for the province.
Eighty-two per cent of perpetrators were men, while 83 per cent of victims were women.

Data from the 2024 Domestic Violence Death Review Report for Saskatchewan. (Government of Saskatchewan)
The goals of the review were to uncover systemic issues and make recommendations to prevent future incidents, all while ensuring the experiences and voices of victims and their families were respected.
Family members included in the report said the province has a lack of “sufficient shelter space, lack of professional understanding, and lack of police protection.”

The 2024 Domestic Violence Death Review Report for Saskatchewan statistics for 11 reviewed cases showed perpetrators still had access to their victims in many cases. (Céline Grimard/650 CKOM)
The report said the multi‑ministry steering committee and three multidisciplinary case-review teams completed an analysis of 31 domestic violence‑related death cases between 2015 and 2020 in Saskatchewan.
The cases involved 34 homicides and four related suicides and were reviewed by the Saskatchewan Coroners Service. The deaths included 30 adults and four children. The government did not release the ages of the children.

The 2024 Domestic Violence Death Review Report for Saskatchewan statistics for 11 cases reviewed. (Graphics: Céline Grimard/650 CKOM)
The review focused on 11 cases in particular that showed 87 per cent of the deaths were between current partners.
“He only got 13 years. He will be out in less time than that. We are so scared for ourselves and the children. He murdered our daughter, and he gets less time in jail for murdering his partner than if he murdered someone else,” – family member
Three cases originated in Saskatchewan’s northern region, while four were from rural areas and four were from urban areas. Each region received roughly eight days to review the cases.
In Saskatchewan, below are the locations where domestic violence homicides happened:
- Rural – 50 per cent
- Urban – 32 per cent
- Northern Saskatchewan Administration District – 10 per cent
- First Nations – eight per cent
Just over half of the perpetrators and half of the victims were “previous victims of abuse or maltreatment and/or exposed to family violence as children or youth,” according to the report.

Perpetrator history of violence from the 2024 Domestic Violence Death Review Report for Saskatchewan. (Government of Saskatchewan)
The six recommendations promoted action in the following areas:
- education and awareness;
- intervention for perpetrators;
- victim-centered approaches;
- legislation and policy;
- services in rural and northern areas; and
- infrastructure development.

Causes of domestic violence deaths in Saskatchewan’s 11 case study. (Government of Saskatchewan)
Legislative and program changes
Since the 2018 Domestic Violence Death Review was released, the provincial government has made a number of legislative changes and introduced several new programs to better support victims of violence. Those include the implementation of Claire’s Law in 2020.
- Claire’s Law provides an applicant with the right to ask and the right to know.
- Right to ask means someone can go to any RCMP detachment and apply to find out if there is any risk-related information regarding a current or former intimate partner.
- Right to know means the process is initiated by an RCMP officer who has received information that may impact the safety of a person in an intimate relationship.
- The province has also strengthened laws protecting victims from the non-consensual sharing of intimate images.
- The implemented a requirement for lawyers working in family law to undergo family violence training.
- At the same time, family law screening officers have been added to the province to search for risk factors and warning signs of violence in family court documents.
- The new programs and services introduced since the report was released in 2018 include the expansion of programs assisting children who have been exposed to violence, second-stage housing to provide “affordable, longer-term support (between 18 and 24 months) for individuals and children to break the cycle of violence.”
- The introduction of Family Interventional Rapid Support Teams, which support families at risk of violence with early intervention.
- Additionally, the Ministry of Social Services established its Seeking Safety Benefit, which provides a monthly benefit to those escaping violence to help them pay for rent and utilities.
The full report can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan’s website.
How to get help for family or intimate partner violence
There are 18 helplines, both provincial and national, available in Saskatchewan to support people experiencing various forms of abuse and domestic violence. All are confidential, free, and available 24/7.
1. Naseeha Mental Health Helpline
- Support for everyone (Muslim and non-Muslim callers)
- Available via text or call 1-866-627-3342
2. Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
- Confidential, multilingual service available 24/7
- Available via call at 1-833-900-1010 or online chat at canadianhumantraffickinghotline.ca
3. Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime
- Support for victims, survivors, and their families
- Available via text or call at 1-877-232-2610, or online chat at crcvc.ca
4. First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Helpline
- Support for Indigenous people
Available via call at 1-855-242-3310 or online chat at hopeforwellness.ca
5. 24-Hour Residential School Crisis Line
- Support for those affected by residential school trauma
Available via call at 1-866-925-4419
6. NISA Helpline
- Faith-based support for parents and women
- Available via call at 1-888-315-6472
7. LGBT National Hotline
- Support for the LGBT community
- Available via call at 1-888-843-4564 or online chat at lgbthotline.org
8. Kids Help Phone
- Multilingual service for young people
- Available via text or call at 1-800-668-6868 or online chat at kidshelpphone.ca
9. Youthspace.ca
- Crisis and emotional support for people under 30
Available via text at 778 7830177 or online chat at youthspace.ca
10. Shelwin House 24-Hour Support
- Support for women
- Available via Call at 1-306-244-7773
11. Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service
- Support for everyone
- Available via call at 1-306-933-6200
12. Crisis Suicide Helpline
- Support for everyone
- Available via call at 1-833-456-4566
13. North East Outreach and Support Services
- Support for everyone
- Available via call at 1-306-752-9463
14. Southwest Crisis Services Crisis Line
- Support for everyone
Available via call at 1-306-778-8383
15. Farm Stress Line
- Support for everyone, especially those in farming communities
◦ Available via call at 1-800-667-4442
16. Mobile Crisis Line
- Crisis support for everyone
- Available via call at 1-800-607-0310
17. Talking Stick
- Anonymous online chat support for Indigenous people
- Available via online chat on a free app only, available for Apple and Android
18. Child Abuse Line
- Support for children and youth
- Available via call at 1-800-387-5437
NOTE: This information was current in November 2024. If you have a service you would like added to our list please send details here.