Saskatchewan’s harvest is 74 per cent complete, up from 61 per cent a week ago.
That’s according to the latest crop report from the Ministry of Agriculture, which covered the week ending on Monday.
According to the report, the southwest has nearly finished, with 95 per cent of this year’s crop in the bin. The southeast is sitting at 77 per cent complete, while the east-central, west-central and northwest regions were all sitting at 63 per cent. The northeast was furthest behind, with 58 per cent of the crop harvested.
The crops of winter wheat, triticale and field peas have all been harvested, with lentils and fall rye, mustard and durum nearly done as well.
“Many producers are currently working to get canola crops harvested, with 47 per cent in the bin,” the report noted. “Flax and soybeans are the furthest behind in harvest progress, with 33 per cent of flax and 25 per cent of soybeans currently harvested.”

Soil moisture levels varied across Saskatchewan thanks to scattered showers in the past week. (Céline Grimard/650 CKOM)
Scattered showers meant pasture conditions varied around the province, the ministry noted. The Indian Head region received the most rain in the week covered by the report, with 49 millimetres. Marsden was close behind with 48 millimetres.
“The precipitation this past week has improved topsoil moisture conditions around the province,” the report noted.

Indian Head got the most rain during the week that ended on Monday, with 49 millimetres. (Céline Grimard/650 CKOM)
“After harvest has wrapped up, producers are hoping for lots of rain to restore depleted soil moisture reserves.”
Crop damage this week was caused by wind, waterfowl and grasshoppers, the report noted.
“Producers are still working hard to swath and combine crops,” the ministry wrote. “As we move into the later stages of harvest, more producers will be focused on post-harvest weed control, storing grain and hauling bales.”
A complete version of the weekly report can be found on the Government of Saskatchewan’s website.