Rawlco Radio owners Gordon and Jill Rawlinson received the University of Saskatchewan’s highest honour on Wednesday at the school’s spring convocation.
The institution awarded the couple with honorary Doctor of Laws degrees.
“These awards are a tribute, not only to Gordon and Jill’s philanthropy in their home province of Saskatchewan but also recognition of the truly great work done in our communities by Rawlco Radio,” said Rawlco Radio Executive Vice President Kristy Werner.
Rawlco Radio stations have been recognized for their community service through events like the C95 Radio Marathon for Breast Cancer Research, the Z99 radiothon supporting the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit, and CJME’s Santa’s Anonymous supporting the Salvation Army.
An extensive list of Saskatchewan people and organizations have been helped by the Rawlinsons. The Rawlco Centre for Mother Baby Care at the Regina General Hospital has provided a world-class facility for childbirth. They have donated significant funding St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon, Victoria Hospital in Prince Albert and the new Saskatchewan Hospital in North Battleford.
Indigenous students at the Edwards School of Business are able to access support, including financial aid from a program created to help them succeed.
Other beneficiaries include The U of R School of Journalism, The Remai Gallery, the E.A. Rawlinson Centre for the Arts in Prince Albert, the Dekker Centre in North Battleford, the Persephone Theatre in Saskatoon, along with the Canadian Red Cross, the YWCA and the United Way in Regina and Saskatoon.

YWCA Regina CEO Melissa Coomber-Bendtsen (left) and Tom Newton, vice-president and general manager of Rawlco Regina, announce a $5-million gift from the Rawlinson family to the Centre for Women and Families Capital Campaign on Oct. 18, 2022. (Shane Clausing/980 CJME)
Gordon has been invested as a Member of the Order of Canada and the Saskatchewan Order of Merit. He also serves on the Dean’s Advisory Council at the Edwards School of Business at the U of S.
“We are proud to recognize the outstanding accomplishments and contributions to society that these individuals have made throughout their extraordinary careers,” said USask President and Vice-Chancellor Peter Stoicheff.
Gordon spoke to a crowd of graduates at Merlish Belsher Place on Wednesday, where he shared how his father, E.A. Rawlinson, had a philosophy for success when he started the broadcast company in Prince Albert 77 years ago.
“He told me the better you serve your community, the better you’ll do. That’s always been our mantra at our radio stations,” he said.
Listen to Gordon Rawlinson’s acceptance speech
The University of Regina honoured the couple with honorary degrees in 2019.
Rawlco Radio is owned by Gordon Rawlinson and operates radio stations 980 CJME, Z99 and Jack 94 in Regina, 650 CKOM, C95 and Rock 102 in Saskatoon, and C97.7 in Calgary.