Clearing the snow piles left behind from the Christmas snowstorms is getting underway in Saskatoon.
The city says work will begin Wednesday in Nutana, followed by Caswell Hill, City Park and Riversdale later this week. Those neighbourhoods were prioritized because of their narrow streets and higher density on street parking.
The city undertook grading on all neighbourhood streets in response to the two dumps of snow totaling 34 cm between December 25 and 28.
“Snow piles remaining from street grading will be removed to improve sight lines, clear sidewalks and open up on-street parking spaces,” the city stated in a release.
“Neighbourhood streets will have some snowpack and some non-hazardous snow piles remaining.”
The city estimates the work to take 6 to 8 weeks, but will have a more accurate timeline once all crews are in place and work is in progress.
No Parking signs will go up in neighbourhoods 24-hours before the start of work.
Residents will be required to move their vehicles off the street in advance or their vehicle will be towed to a nearby street, the city said.