Blockades could be set up in Saskatchewan if Premier Scott Moe doesn’t retract the Saskatchewan First Act.
More than 35 chiefs gathered in the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations’ (FSIN) boardroom Friday to voice their opposition to the bill Moe and the Saskatchewan Party Government unveiled at the beginning of November.

Chiefs speaking at FSIN in solidarity against the Saskatchewan First Act on Dec. 16, 2022. (Libby Giesbrecht/650 CKOM)
The Saskatchewan First Act would amend the province’s constitution to assert Saskatchewan’s “exclusive” jurisdiction when it comes to legislation around the exploration for, development, conservation and management of non-renewable natural resources in Saskatchewan, the development, conservation and management of forestry resources in Saskatchewan, and the operation of facilities in Saskatchewan that generate electricity. The bill would also create an Economic Impact Assessment Tribunal to examine federal initiatives and quantify their impacts within Saskatchewan.
Some of the chiefs drove for hours to be present for the gathering in Saskatoon, where many shared their frustration with the bill.
Kahkewistahaw First Nation Chief Evan Taypotat called for action, saying the problem is not one that will be solved in a boardroom.
“Let’s do it on the land,” he said, noting that his First Nation is “ready to fight.”
FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron added to Taypotat’s comments.
“We are going to take action, and we’re going to do it really quick,” Cameron said, warning that Indigenous people are nearing the point of setting up blockades in protest against the act.
He wouldn’t elaborate on his plan aside from saying that it will happen in 2023.
As for legal action, Cameron said the FSIN is discussing putting together a lawsuit against the government, which he said could be a years-long process.
“We won’t be asking to sit down with the government. We won’t be asking to have conversations. We’ve done enough of that,” Cameron said.
In a message to Moe, Ochapowace First Nation Chief Margaret Bear said her community is a signatory to Treaty 4, and their time on the land dates back hundreds of years before that.
The treaty, which was signed in 1874, predates the creation of Saskatchewan as a province by over 30 years. Bear said the treaty promised “unequivocally” that Indigenous people would be able to maintain their traditional lifestyles. The items negotiated for and promised to Indigenous people were intended for her people’s enjoyment and forever posterity, she added.
“And Saskatchewan has the gall to think that they have exclusive rights of the ownership of our lands and resources,” Bear said.
Several chiefs criticized the act as an attempt to preserve provincial interests without mention of Indigenous people, and said it infringes on Indigenous treaty rights.
“We will not sit back on the sidelines while two foreign parties continue to steal our resources from our backyard,” Bear said. “This land was given to us by the Creator, and we will not sit back and watch this happen.”
Bear called on the premier and provincial government to repeal Bill 88 immediately.
“Without action, there is no reconciliation,” she said.
Chief Crysta Okemow of Lucky Man First Nation said the act is furthering the elimination of Indigenous people in Saskatchewan. She said the province is not a nation within a nation, and asked the province to honour the treaties Indigenous people signed.
“Quit being ignorant and do better,” Okemow said.
Vice Chief Richard Durocher, of the Meadow Lake Tribal Council, said that at treaty signings, just two participants were present: the Crown and Indigenous people. He emphasized that Saskatchewan and its government weren’t formed until many years later.
“Give us back our land, because it is rightly ours, not Saskatchewan’s,” said chief Cheryl Kahpeaysewat of Moosomin First Nation.
“How are we supposed to reconcile with a government that doesn’t listen to us?” asked Montreal Lake Cree Nation Chief Joyce Naytowhow.
Naytowhow lamented ongoing loss of Indigenous land and resources, saying Moe has a duty to consult with First Nations people.