650 CKOM has been recognized with a prestigious Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) National award.
650 CKOM won for Breaking News Coverage of another train derailment east of Saskatoon a year ago. Gerald Bauman anchored comprehensive coverage with reporters on the scene and eyewitnesses on air.
Last month, 650 CKOM won the award for the prairie region and moved forward to compete on the national stage against radio stations in Kamloops and the Maritimes.
RTDNA Canada is the voice of electronic and digital journalists and news managers in Canada.
The members of RTDNA Canada recognize the responsibility of broadcast journalists to promote and to protect the freedom to report independently about matters of public interest and to present a wide range of expressions, opinions and ideas.
The RTDNA Canada Code of Ethics, adopted by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, is used to measure fairness and accuracy.