At first, it may seem like a random date for children from K-12 in Saskatchewan to have a professional development day off school on Monday, Oct. 26.
That’s not the case, according to the province’s Chief Electoral Officer Dr. Michael Boda.
“In May of this year, I engaged with both the premier and the legislative assembly and made a number of recommendations. One of them was that school not be in session on election day. That was agreed to and accepted.”
Boda says it was highly intentional. While working with the chief medical health officer, he says it was one obvious way they could think of, to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
“We needed to spread out. We needed more space for polling locations,” he explained.
While schools have been used many times in the past, this time around, it was critical to use even more of them to allow for voters to spread out more.
As a result, he says there will be more than 2,000 polling locations across the province on election day, compared with about 1,100 during the last provincial election.
During advance voting, however, the use of school gymnasiums or large gathering spaces has had some groups worried.
Members of an online Twitter group called “Keep Saskatchewan Kids Safe” have expressed concern that while visitors to schools must mask up before entering, voters aren’t required to do so.
We are asking ourselves the same question! @PremierScottMoe and @SaskHealth care to clarify?
— Keep Saskatchewan Kids Safe (@keepskkidssafe) October 20, 2020
An all time high in active cases and a single-day high of new infections. But god forbid masks be required at provincial polling stations next week 🙃
— Tamara Hinz (@hinz_tamara) October 19, 2020
Boda says his office is continuing to work with school boards and health officials, and that if schools mandate masks indoors, signs will be posted indicating that. Masks will also be provided by elections staff.
“We have been working with school boards and if masks are required, then we will require that masks be worn.”
He says elections officials at polling stations will also be enforcing physical distancing, must wear masks, will disinfect areas regularly and will handle all ballots with gloves.