Protests opposing COVID-19 safety measures took place throughout the world, including Saskatchewan, on Saturday.
Almost 50 protesters gathered outside Kiwanis Park in Saskatoon denouncing mask policies throughout the province. They could be heard chanting “we want freedom” as cars drove by.
Most of the people in attendance held signs, some of which included quotes such as ‘masks are for villains’ and ‘say no to fear’.

Some protesters gather outside Kiwanis Park displaying their signs as vehicles drive by. (Logan Stein/650 CKOM)
“We are fighting for freedom,” Donna Tod, the protest organizer, said. “Only villains wear masks.”
“I refuse to be fearmongered, nobody is going to silence me. I won’t put a mask on now, and I’m not putting a mask on next week,” Tod said. “People need to wake up, all we need is for everyone to say no to wearing a mask. All we have to do is say no.”
Most of the protesters 650 CKOM spoke with heard about the event from a FaceBook page focused on opposing mask requirements and raising awareness for their beliefs.
“This is just a bunch of people who want to have the choice. My body, my choice,” said attendee Brent Wintringham. “We are not conspiracy theorists, there is a lot of science behind our beliefs. I believe in freedom and liberty.”
Saskatoon city council is planning on making its final decision on a mandated mask policy on public transit at a city council meeting on Monday.
“I intend to boycott any business that tells me to (wear a mask), and tell anyone who will listen to boycott that business,” said Tod when asked if she avoids places that have mask policies in place.
Saskatoon wasn’t the only city in Sask. that saw people gather over the weekend.
One was held in front of the Legislative Assembly in Regina drawing a small crowd.
Parliament Hill in Ottawa saw hundreds of people gather with signs and flags denouncing COVID-19 health guidelines.
In Berlin, over 30,000 people protested public safety restrictions at an event that was ultimately disbanded by police.
“This is way overblown, it’s just another influenza,” said Wintringham. “Mandatory masks have not been proven to work.”