In the midst of rising concerns over COVID-19, members of the Beardy’s and Okemasis’ Cree Nation are also thinking about who will be the best fit to lead the community.
The band’s general election remains on schedule to take place on March 27th, and the nomination meeting is running Friday afternoon. According to a statement on the band’s website, a number of precautions have been taken to help ensure the safety and wellbeing of all participating community members.
During the nomination process, elections staff have been instructed to wear gloves when processing paperwork. Only three electors are being allowed in the nomination area at one time (one candidate, the nominator and the seconder).
During the actual election, only four people will be allowed in the polling station; and when a scannable ballot with an electronic tabulation machine is being used. During the count, only the election officials and one candidate or one scrutineer per candidate will be allowed in the room to witness the count.
Electoral Officer Loretta Pete Lambert said it is at the discretion of, and the responsibility of, for each candidate to create and release campaign material.