Over the first few months of 2019, Saskatoon police have written 11,269 tickets.
The vast majority is for speeding violations at 3,339.
“The big ones come from speeding in school zones. We’re at about 1,300 of those ones so far,” Staff Sgt. Patrick Barbar told 650 CKOM.
Driving using a handheld device, like a cellphone, is the second-highest infraction at 752 tickets.
“These are just the ones we’re catching,” Barbar said. “So if you can imagine for everyone we catch how many get away with it.”
Part of the money from fines goes to the provincial victims of crime fund. The rest typically goes to the jurisdiction where the ticket was written, according to Barbar.
On average, Saskatoon police write around 30,000 tickets each year. While they’re still tabulating the final numbers for April, Barbar said this is on pace to hit 30,000 again.
The police ticket data does not include tickets drivers receive from photo radar or red light cameras.