Deer hunting season begins in the province on Sunday.
The Ministry of Environment said white-tailed deer numbers continue to be below the long-term average.
“Our numbers took a bit of a beating a number of years back and they just haven’t quite recovered,” said Lindsey Leko, a conservation officer in the Weyburn field area.
Leko said hunters will have a one deer, either sex, limit for this year’s hunting season.
He said it’s important that hunters are aware of the rules, such as not driving around with a loaded firearm and getting out of the vehicle to shoot at a deer. Leko also said hunters need to respect the land owners and their property. They also need permission before going onto someone’s land to hunt.
Leko encouraged hunters to ensure they double-check they have their tags with them before going out because it’s an offense to hunt deer without one.
Hunters will be able to use their phones and other electronic devices to show officers their licenses this year.
Leko also had some advice for hunters: don’t stay in your vehicles and move around.
“The deer don’t get to be big by being foolish so they’re not going to come up to your vehicles.”
The season runs from November 20 to December 7. Tags can be purchased online.