Locker room talk, eh?
Donald Trump is getting more repulsive every day. He can’t construct complete thoughts or sentences. He takes words like ISIS, economy, business, taxes and mixes them with adverbs, adjectives or qualifiers like “very, very bad.”
Now he claims that his obscene, sexual assault comments are “locker room talk,” the type of things athletes say when they’re together.
Trump is wrong. The only locker room Trump walks into is the one for beauty contestants, usually when they’re in various stages of undress.
Robert DeNiro is right. Trump is a pig.
His latest excuse is insulting to athletes. LeBron James calls it trash talk. Tom Brady, a supporter of Trump’s, won’t comment. That’s because it can’t be defended.
Locker rooms have often been unfriendly to females. Male athletes have sometimes strutted around naked and aimed catcalls at female reporters. Those athletes are pigs, too, but they’re not advocating sexual assault and they’re not trying to become the next president of the United States.