An article in Sports Illustrated pointed to the CFL as a place the NFL needs to look for a rule change.
It all has to do with the review system we are seeing play out in the CFL game. That dreadful, unwatchable, frustration of a review system.
The article cites different instances throughout history and recent history that NFL games could have changed if the NFL coaches had the same power as CFL coaches to challenge plays.
Yes, they actually think this is a good thing.
But in practice, it’s been abysmal. Fans calling and texting us, saying they can’t even cheer for a big play anymore knowing there will likely be a challenge and a period of wait time before they actually get to cheer.
The fun is out of the game.
I can actually go through history when a coach called a blitz and got beat or a quarterback missed a throw or a receiver dropped a catch that could have had a different result on the game.
They don’t get a do over. Neither should coaches on missed penalties.
I’d rather complain about a missed call and have the game move along than sit and wait to make sure the ref made the right call.
So to those in the states who may have read the article and thought, ‘hey, that might not be a bad idea,’ you’ll live to regret that thought if the NFL adopts the CFL’s reality. Sometimes good idea aren’t that great when put into practice.
Jamie Nye: NFL shouldn't look north for answers
By CKOM News
Oct 7, 2016 | 7:49 AM