The love between a farmer and his wife is captured in a new song written by Shellbrook artist Kelsey Fitch.
The song “Lights of a Combine” has played through radios across Canada and the United States and the music video premiered last week.
The story behind the song is a personal one for Fitch, who drew her inspiration from her own grandparents.
“They started with basically nothing. My grandma was a city girl who married a country boy and they basically worked their butts off making this farm something that would become generational,” Fitch said.
Fitch fondly remembers her days as a young girl, riding in the combine with her grandfather.
“My grandma would spend all day in the kitchen making supper for grandpa and then she would take it out the field, and then she would ride around in the combine with him,” she said.
The music video was shot outside of Saskatoon, as well as on the Fitch farm north of Shellbrook. It was directed by Liam Richards with videographers Electric Umbrella.
“I had talked to Liam about what I wanted to portray in the video, and the big one was passing the farm on to the next generation and also the romance part of it,” Fitch said.
The video has had nearly 30,000 views on YouTube, and Fitch has been getting lots of positive feedback.
“I like telling my story, and when people tell me that they feel the exact same way, it makes you feel like you’re not alone, you know someone else felt that way.”
Fitch has a few more shows this year including one in early November at the E.A. Rawlinson Centre in Prince Albert.
Over the winter, she said plans to spend more time song writing.